App offers positive rewards to kids

Research tells us the most effective way to help a child achieve something difficult is to acknowledge their effort. This acknowledgement, together with praise and positive attention often combine to encourage children to repeat the preferred behaviour that parents are trying to teach. 

I Earned That is frequently recommended to parents by Kids First’s Child Psychologists and teachers to help kids do just that.Costing just $1.99 on iTunes, this handy little app is like a portable sticker chart… only better!

Instead of forcing kids to wait to put a sticker on a chart at home,

I Earned That gives parents a way to immediately reward their child’s positive behaviours by simply using their smartphone.And the great thing is, it doesn’t matter where you are! I Earned That gives your child a visible reward that recognises that they have tried hard or done the right thing as soon as they earn it.

Many Kids First families have used I Earned That with great success. Check out this video which explains the app to see if it might work for your child too.

Find I Earned That on iTunes here
By Sonja Walker
Founder & teacher
Kids First Children’s Services 2014

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